After a series of dry years, we're finally enjoying strong flows this spring. March brought five snow storms and the accompanying cold delayed the hatches by about two weeks. Sulphurs are pouring out of area rivers both the large, size 12 -14 Ephemerella invaria and the smaller, size 16-18 Ephemerella dorothea are hatching in earnest. Action typically begins by 7pm and gets better towards dusk and beyond. It is not unusual to have Invaria duns and spinners on the water as the Dorotheas start to hatch. A handful of Emergers and Dries in the sizes mentioned are all that is required. Early morning anglers may find remnant Sulphur Spinners on the water as well.
During the day, look for caddis and baetis to keep the fish interested in feeding. Small Pheasant Tail nymphs, size 18-22 cover that early stage in the morning. If nymphing, switch over the trailing fly around 8:30 am to a Grey or BWO RS2, size 20-22. The other option is a size 14-16 JC's Electric Caddis followed by either a Tan or Olive LaFontaine's Sparkle Pupa, size 14-18. We will be open all weekend including Memorial Day. So remember those who sacrificed all for their country and break out a dry fly!